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– Episode 808 –

Why do We as Christians Allow Atheists to Drive the Car?

Segment 1 (0:00) – Who is more irrational; the Christian who lives for God, or the one who is offended by the God he doesn’t even believe in? Defining the whole concept of purpose; the views of the Atheist in contrast to the Christian.

Segment 2 (8:25) – An example of the maturity level between a pro-lifer, and the pro-choicer. Why do Christians not lash back at the world in the same way they lash out at us? The world has no boundaries; worldly men attack Christian women? And, who is the Octoberbaby?

Segment 3 (17:27) – Student not only hands back the 180 movie, but finds it offensive. Although she realizes her belief is purely her opinion, but does not want God involved in the process of her beliefs.