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– Episode 792 –

Do Your Politics Effect Your Theology, or Does Your Theology Effect Your Politics?

Segment 1 (0:00) – How should a Christian enter the voting booth when someone holds semi-Biblical views, but is not a Christian. What happens when the candidate is heretical in belief? Is Mormonism a theological cult? What are the makings of a cult?

Segment 2 (7:04) – What should our number one priority be as we follow political candidates; the world, or theological Orthodoxy? Continuing with the issue of should a Christian vote for a Mormon; should we be blunt in our response when asked “Is a Mormon a Christian?”

Segment 3 (15:33) – Does it matter if a political candidate is in a cult? Can a Christian vote for someone who is in an open cult? As Christians enter the voting booth we must understand when lines are crossed, and what to look for when observing political candidates.