– Episode 715 –
Church Should not be Fun and Games
Segment 1 (0:00) – Aretha Franklin sings Amazing Grace very slowly in honor of Oprah Winfrey. “Life is like a Cinnabon” sermon excerpt – the dangers of using similes and metaphors inappropriately in sermons. Prosperity gospel messages focus on “me” instead of God. Paul Washer – pastors will pay for catering to the majority instead of preaching to the real believers.
Segment 2 (9:02) – Aretha is still singing. “Life is like a football, Jesus is like a linebacker.” More simile and metaphor sermon illustrations that don’t work. Paul Washer – the pastor must protect the Bride of Christ (the Church)
Segment 3 (17:55) – “Already Compromised” by author Ken Ham. If children are not raised with strong Biblical foundation many will backslide in college. Church is not fun and games.
Aretha Franklin is still singing the same song for Oprah. The Go Fish guys offer a strong, Bible based Vacation Bible School (VBS) curriculum. Pastors must shepherd the sheep and rely on the Bible.
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