– Episode 1794 –
The New Sexual World Order Is So Confusing
Todd Friel discusses the godless perspective of secular humanism and details how it is cruel, confusing, and not without consequences. The episode focuses on a video about Nano the lady who believes she is a cat and the article “The New Social World Order Is So Confusing” by George Fields.
Segment 1 (0:00) – Todd Friel summarizes the history of secular humanism including its current manifestations, postmodernism and progressivism. Then, Todd discusses the cruelty of the secular humanism worldview and how more individuals will be increasingly hurt by it by using a representative video clip example of Nano the lady who believes she is a cat.
Segment 2 (9:20) – Todd Friel looks at how secular humanism is confusing via the George Fields article “The New Social World Order Is So Confusing”. The article raises questions that show contradictions of secular humanism. Considerations discussed include experience, biology, and social constructs.
Segment 3 (16:33) – Todd Friel continues to look at how secular humanism is confusing via the George Fields article “The New Social World Order Is So Confusing”. Also, Todd discusses the consequences of secular humanism, kicking God off his throne and replacing Him with reason.
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