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– Episode 1900 –

John MacArthur: How to Straighten a Crooked Church

What makes a church last?  If a church has truly failed; what exactly is it that it has failed at?  We must ask ourselves, does the church seem more like an event rather than a refocus on God?  If it is more of an event let’s seek what we can do to help the Church right itself.

Segment 1 (0:00) – Are you frustrated with your local church?  Does it appear that your church may be a little off track?  Let’s look to a man who has been pastoring his church for close to fifty years.  Can he answer if it is possible to do a church reset?  Don’t worry, there is hope!

Segment 2 (10:29) – What are some big indicators that your church is in fact a Biblical church?  Without these the Bible is clear there needs to be an uprooting within the church.  And if a church has not been doing the; are you prepared prepare for a reformation within the church?

Segment 3 (17:47) – When considering what type of church, you are going to we should ask: Does it insist on church membership?  After Sunday service do you love Jesus even more than when you first walked in the door?  Does your church do adult church?  Referenced verses: 1 Timothy 5.