– Episode 1902 –
Carnal Christianity and True/False Conversions
Do you actually understand what happened at the cross; if you do not understand … how can you think your kids will? Learn how to be a good gardener; always watching for “the fruit” in not only yourself, but your kids as well. How can we prepare the soil of the heart for the Gospel?
Segment 1 (0:00) – Do you have a genuine concern for your children? Did you know that statistics show that 60-80% of kids when going off to university fall away from the faith? Why does this happen? Could it be that it began in the pulpit? Do you as a parent share in the responsibility for your kids making a shipwreck of their faith?
Segment 2 (7:37) – How can you keep your child from back sliding? What can you do to bring them to the Lord in the first place? The answer could in a sense take the burden off of your shoulders. However, within the answer we are not relieved of our responsibilities as a parents.
Segment 3 (16:23) – If we do not want to see another untethered generation there is something that we must do without question; do you know what that one thing is? Before focusing on your children you should first begin with asking yourself; what do I place my faith? We need to consider a hard truth in asking “have I really ever thought about what all I have faith in right now?” How much more should your relationship with God be than your relationship to the world?
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