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Stressed Out: God Loves You

– Episode 1890 – Stressed Out: God Loves You Don’t let your prayer be littered with requests or demands; there must also be praise, worship, and rejoicing.  Paul knew that by prayer he was able to have peace despite his circumstance.  Looking at Paul...

Stressed Out: God Is Your Avenger

– Episode 1889 – Stressed Out: God Is Your Avenger When depression hangs over you like a cloud and you cannot find escape; there is a way out, and there is hope.  No matter what has happened to you Jesus gave us the prescription for depression, and that...

Stressed Out: You Are Getting a New Body

– Episode 1888 – Stressed Out: You Are Getting a New Body We all could use more joy in our lives, right? Despite their hardships the Disciples were filled with joy.  Understand, the same Comforter the Apostles had, is the same Comforter that we now have;...

Adult Christian Coloring Books???

– Episode 1820 – Adult Christian Coloring Books??? Look out for the prowling lion of eastern religions in the practices of yoga & mandala.  Instead fill your mind with the Word which transforms us to look like Jesus. Segment 1 (0:00) – Christian...

Adult Christian Coloring Books???

– Episode 1820 – Adult Christian Coloring Books??? Look out for the prowling lion of eastern religions in the practices of yoga & mandala.  Instead fill your mind with the Word which transforms us to look like Jesus. Segment 1 (0:00) – Christian...