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James White vs. Matthew Vines

– Episode 1670 – James White vs. Matthew Vines Dr. James White responds to theological challenges from Matthew Vines of the “gay Christian” movement. Segment 1 (0:00) – Dr. James White responds to theological challenges from Matthew Vines of the “gay...

Speaking Truth in Love

– Episode 1660 – Speaking Truth and Love Todd shares a video from where Ray Comfort and EZ do open air preaching in Ireland. Segment 1 (0:00) – Todd shares a video from Segment 2 (9:15) – What will happen to...

Theological Coffee

– Episode 1644 – Theological Coffee Dan Phillips comes up with a list of “Theological Coffee” and their mottoes. All influenced by everyone’s theological beliefs. Segment 1 (0:00) – Theological Coffees #24-20 Segment 2 (7:32)...

Creation Ministries International

– Episode 16012 – Creation Ministries International “Teach Them Diligently” Homeschool Conference Segment 1 (0:00) – Creation Ministries International Segment 2 (9:34) – Logos Bible Software Segment 3 (12:30) – Institute for Creation...