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Grill-A-Christian at UGA

– Episode 879 – Grill-A-Christian at UGA Segment 1 (0:00) – Todd goes to Univ. of Georgia, Athens, for a Grill-A-Christian Event to speak to a group of diverse students who are atheists; agnostics; Christians, and those raised in a Christian home but...

Grill-A-Christian – Part 3

– Episode 881 – Grill-A-Christian – Part 3 Segment 1 (0:00) – Grill-A-Christian, part 3: Ryan, the moderator, points out that an Atheist has never killed another Atheist because their belief’s did not agree, unlike religion, and that...

Grill-A-Christian – Part 4

– Episode 882 – Grill-A-Christian – Part 4 Segment 1 (0:00) – Has Ryan claiming changes were made to the New Testament, books were removed from it centuries later. Todd gives a brief history of the canonization of the Bible. They debate whether...