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MMA Fight Church

– Episode 942 – MMA Fight Church Segment 1 (0:00) – Pragmatism is not something Christians should use even if it yields quick results. There is no need for the church to use controversial means to promote the Gospel. MMA Fighting is an example of a...

MN State Fair Witnessing

– Episode 943 – MN State Fair Witnessing Segment 1 (0:00) – Todd Friel is witnessing at the Minnesota state fair. He explained to the man that we are sinners and God will judge sinners. Segment 2 (8:20) – Just because we are not perfect we...

Lame Trends in Church

– Episode 964 – Lame Trends in Church Segment 1 (0:00) – Lame trends in church. Seven reasons why movie illustrations are lame by Cripplegate. Seven (more) reasons why movie illustrations are bad by Todd Friel. Segment 2 (9:41) – A pastor...